computer help

hours & location

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:30pm
Sat-Sun: 9:00am-6:30pm
Call/Text: 604-728-2325


No.3 and Steveston Hwy (TEKNICIAN)

BrD Teknician Solutions Ltd.
100-7831 Steveston Hwy
Richmond BC V7A 1L9

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service & cities

Mobile Computer Service
Richmond, Vancouver, Burnaby, New West, Surrey, Ladner, Tsawwassen.

In-Store Computer Service
As long as you're willing to come or ship to us we accept work from everywhere in Canada.

Remote Computer Service
We cover the entire Canada remotely.

service & areas

Home Google Advertising
Included in our Search Engine Optimization. Print E-mail

Keyword research - Generate the most relevant keywords to write relevant text for search engines relating to your web site.

Web site analysis - Analyze your existing web site and provide relevant information on what we will do to improve your search engine rankings.

Meta tag analysis - Analyze your existing meta tags (including title, keyword and description tags).

PPC Management - Manage your pay per click campaign on Google Adwords.

Monthly report - Provide you with a monthly report on your search positions.

Traffic report - Provide you with a traffic report of the number of visitors to your website by date, time, keyword, search engine, time spent on site.

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