computer help

hours & location

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:30pm
Sat-Sun: 9:00am-6:30pm
Call/Text: 604-728-2325


No.3 and Steveston Hwy (TEKNICIAN)

BrD Teknician Solutions Ltd.
100-7831 Steveston Hwy
Richmond BC V7A 1L9

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service & cities

Mobile Computer Service
Richmond, Vancouver, Burnaby, New West, Surrey, Ladner, Tsawwassen.

In-Store Computer Service
As long as you're willing to come or ship to us we accept work from everywhere in Canada.

Remote Computer Service
We cover the entire Canada remotely.

service & areas

Home Product + Service = Savings
Product + Service = Savings Print E-mail

Product plus Service equals SavingsStep 1. Product Purchase

Get all products at warehouse prices, we just provide the service. Your Credit Card payment is secure and convenient, both online and onsite. We also accept Business Cheques, Money Orders, Cashier Certified Cheques, and Cash.

Step 2. Product Delivery

All deliveries scheduled at your own best time.

Step 3. Product Installation

Integration with your existing hardware and software, configuration, testing and tutoring.

Why Product+Service?

  • Active onsite learning environment with one-on-one interactions 
  • Professional and firsthand answers to your hardware and software needs, thus assuring your specific concerns are addressed 
  • Faster time to productivity due to timely and coordinated service
  • Things can and do go wrong. Fixing it yourself takes considerable time, skill and knowledge
  • Simply put: Product + Service = Savings

Why Teknician Solutions?

  • Quick service with a combination of quality and reliability
  • More than 10 years of experience
  • Most competitive rates
  • No appointments needed