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Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:30pm
Sat-Sun: 9:00am-6:30pm
Call/Text: 604-728-2325


No.3 and Steveston Hwy (TEKNICIAN)

BrD Teknician Solutions Ltd.
100-7831 Steveston Hwy
Richmond BC V7A 1L9

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Mobile Computer Service
Richmond, Vancouver, Burnaby, New West, Surrey, Ladner, Tsawwassen.

In-Store Computer Service
As long as you're willing to come or ship to us we accept work from everywhere in Canada.

Remote Computer Service
We cover the entire Canada remotely.

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Home Google Advertising
What is Google Website Advertising? Print E-mail

A Google search is an easy, fair and objective way to find high-quality web sites with information relevant to your search. Google's ranking technology or algorithm (known as PageRank) continues to provide the basis for all of Google's web search tools. There are several criteria that Google considers when ranking websites (page rank, link popularity, keyword density, age of domain, page title, page name, domain name, etc.).

Google's complex, automated methods make human tampering with results extremely difficult. Google does not sell placement within the results themselves (i.e., no one can buy a higher PageRank), according to Google. The ad results displayed on the left side of Google is considered FREE. This is what is referred to as organic results, free listings or natural listings.

In order to get your website at the top of search results on Google you'll need to employ the services of a search engine optimization specialist. Our search engine optimization knowledge and techniques has helped us rank websites at the top of search engines.

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